Unfinished But Complete

Dear Reader,

I hope all is well with you and yours.

This morning, I woke up recalling a dream that never finished. The fact that it didn’t finished is the theme of this blog. The type of dream I had is also related to the theme. I had participated in a painting contest that was a team effort. The team had finished their part but I wasn’t able to complete my portion to my liking. That’s the key word: to my “liking.”

Whenever I draw with pencil or charcoal, I like finishing up by smearing the lines that move from the darkness to light so the light will be given a distinctive space on the paper. With painting, I can imagine myself desiring to smear the colors where one color ended and another color began. Unfortunately, in my dream, I wasn’t able to smear the green, yellow, and white of the flowery design that was in between the nice black-to-blue and black-to-purple sky that consisted of constellations. Along with the daisy flowers on the portion I had painted, there was a girl sitting in the field of flowers while wearing a tutu with matching ballet shoes.

Saddened, I walked away while the female judge stepped away from one painting and came towards the painting my teammates and I had done. The rest of my team stood near the painting. One teammate stated I wasn’t feeling well so wasn’t able to finish. The female judge smiled and stated how the painting represented the feat of us humans, continually in the process of finishing. In the process of doing, creating, and being.

I woke up before I had found out if my team received first place. I like to think we did.

Sometimes, we often have a list of things we want to finish at the end of the day. And, because of this extra burden, we might feel disgusted with ourselves whenever it isn’t completed. However, if we are to look at the things we had accomplished, we could see the positive out of the situation instead of focusing on the negative. Either way we look at it, once the sun sets, the day is over. The day is complete. If we didn’t finish our list, life goes on. Another day will be born tomorrow. So, instead of looking at the list of things that didn’t get done, stand back and take in the view of the painting of the day to see what is actually there. What did you actually do instead of viewing what you didn’t do?

I hope this blog inspired you. Please feel free to leave a comment below or email me directly by using the email address that is found in the “About” section of my blog! 🙂

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